There comes a time once a year we sit & reflect on the days past & those yet to come; milestones reached and accomplishments yet sought after; relationships nurtured and those gone astray; and so it is here again. This has been another year of great many changes for the Janssen family, one of loss, surprise additions, and unexpected reactions. Still, the one constant we can always hold dear is the love with which our Father sent His only son to die on the cross as our Lord and Savior. For this, we are eternally grateful and ever hopeful for the life abundant yet to come.
Our year began with a great many praises as Ben came out of his battle with jaundice & poor weight gain. Several months later, we finally determined he was having an allergic reaction which caused him to expel a great percentage of whatever he took in. Once we isolated the allergy & changed his intake, all went well & now, he is a happy, healthy, big boy ranking in the 90th & 75th percentile for height & weight respectively. We are so thankful for our pediatrician who monitored him so closely those first few weeks - to the point of calling to check in on him & meeting us at the clinic during off-hours to do weight checks. You just don’t find service like that much any more.
Spring came with the annual review of possible job changes for Chris. While Avon Unit Schools had become like a family to him over the 12 years he’d been there, he had found what we felt was an opportunity not easily passed up. Ironically, it was on Rob’s 10th birthday that he interviewed for his current position as JH/HS principal at a neighboring school district: Spoon River Valley, located in London Mills, IL. He is enjoying his new digs & still being able to be a part of Avon’s fire department, but does miss seeing the big kids during lunch every day. It has been as much of an adjustment for them and Jo as it has been for him, but it has been a good change and he’s even been able to keep in touch with some of those who were really so much more friends than coworkers.
Speaking of what we often refer to as “the big 3,” they all continue to enjoy the halls of Avon Elementary & are all doing exceptionally well this year. All are blessed with fantastic teachers - actually Tom & Jac share a teacher, who happens to have been Jaclyn’s teacher last year. Twenty first graders lent itself to splitting into two groups yet again & when the opportunity to put them together came about, we decided to give it a go - especially since the last day of kindergarten, they were overheard to say “I hope we are in the same class next year!” Jo asked them about this - don’t you see enough of each other at home? “No, mom. We miss each other.” Who’d have ever thought it?? We’re guessing it won’t last, but it has been the best thing - for them & for mom trying to keep snack schedules & homework straight!!
Rob is enjoying the extended freedoms of 5th grade & the community atmosphere his teacher has created by treating their schoolwork as their job - complete with weekly pay. If they don’t do their job (homework, attending, and their own special jobs) they don’t get paid. He especially enjoys shopping in their “store” every Friday & sharing stories of all his great purchases! Another exciting feature of 5th grade has been joining the band. He’s really quite the trumpeter & is looking forward to their first concert! He continues to thrive in Cub Scouts. This is his last year & will be awarded Cub Scouting’s highest rank: The Arrow of Light in January. It’s been interesting to watch him grow into having Thomas join him in scouting this year, but it has been a good thing. He’s still contemplating making the jump to Boy Scouts - there’s a lot of camping in Boy Scouts, but we’ll see.
We think Tom, on the other hand, could live at camp all summer. He LOVED day camp!!! Chris joined him for 3 days & Jo enjoyed the final day with him. What a treat to be there when he was awarded the honor of Camp’s Top Archer overall. We knew he did well in his age group, but had no idea he would be top overall - talk about one excited little boy!!! He also earned the distinction of Top Marksman for his age group. Even Rob was impressed!
Jaclyn is still our resident “Little Mommy” helping to keep all the boys in line & assisting mom in anything & everything possible. She is very much our “doer” in that she would much rather be doing something - anything than watching. Sometimes makes us scratch our heads wondering, “what next” but the twinkle in her eye keeps us going. She took a jump at tumbling this summer & LOVED it!! She did very well & still enjoys doing cartwheels & laughing when the boys try to mimic her backbends & tabletops. She has already begun to realize though that it doesn’t take long to lose that flexibility when tumbling is done as she opted to begin Girl Scouts as a Daisy once school started. We want the kids to have time to relax & play & just be kids, so we limit their activities to AWANA Kids’ Club at church & one other thing during the school year, so joining Daisies meant dropping tumbling, but she is really enjoying her choice & it does provide some very precious “mommy & me” time. And now, you all know who to call for those delectable Girl Scout Cookies come spring!
The kids are still enjoying AWANA at church once a week. We marvel at the way they can take learning scripture & turn it into such an all-encompassing program where the kids can’t wait to jump in & learn more…what a blessing!
The big 3 also hit the stage together again this fall - this time all 3 in the "big" show - Peter Pan. What a treat to see them all together & watch scenes such as Tom & Jac (Michael & TinkerBell) flying to NeverLand & Rob kidnapping Jac (uh...that would be Smee kidnapping Tink). It was just too fun for words!
As for Jo, much of her time is spent managing the home & keeping everyone going in the right direction. She foolishly told Chris & the kids last spring that she thought we should stay home this summer. Ben was doing so well sleeping through the night & not wanting to mess with that, how about we plan a couple of local day trips & just stay close to home this summer? It took a little convincing, but everyone was on-board. That lasted through May. Early the morning of June 1, we received a phone call no one wants to receive. What transpired over the next 4 hours has forever changed our lives as we lost our dear friend, Jo’s brother, the kids’ “Uncle Buddy” as the result of a diving accident. We are blessed in that for as seldom as we saw one another, even our children had an amazing relationship with him. There aren’t many days one of us doesn’t laugh & remember something about Bud. It’s true, people come & go throughout life, but some leave very big impressions on our hearts. His impact will never be forgotten.
Once we began to get back in the swing of things & wrap up baseball season for the big 3, we sent the big boys off to camp. Jac & Jo enjoyed their girl days (with Ben in tow) doing all kinds of things we just don’t do with the boys around - even got to spend a day putting up sweet corn with dear friends around the corner. Now, that’s what summer is all about!
Late July, we received another call from home. Jo’s grandpa had suffered a stroke & had been hospitalized. She left & made it home in time to visit with him while he was still somewhat communicative & even had a precious goodbye, culminating in the last word he said, “heaven.” How precious to have that to hold on to. A big lesson learned - never pass up the opportunity to go if you have a chance to say goodbye, even if goodbye is the last thing you want to say.
With less than a month of summer left, the kids began planning for the annual Avon Fat Steer Show. The big 3 had many, many art entries - Rob even won the sweepstakes award for highest points overall in the Home Show! They also entered decorated cakes. Rob’s was a Hockey cake - the puck in mid-air entering the net - complete with a stick. Tom turned his confection into a ballpark; and Jac’s was all about the sunshine - yep, her cake was the sun, complete with shades. Talk about great fun!!
Sadly, we kicked off our fall much the same as our summer had been, losing a friend whose absence is still felt so very strongly. Pastor Al was so much more than the title “pastor” could ever cover; he was a friend in every sense of the word. There aren’t many people we’ve met who can connect with every person in our family, in such a personal way that each one feels the person is their “own” personal friend the way Al did. Much the same as with Uncle Buddy & E-Pa, there are so many “Pastor Al stories” that keep us going. The memories & laughter are just so prevalent, sometimes even overwhelming when walking into church.
Sadly, we kicked off our fall much the same as our summer had been, losing a friend whose absence is still felt so very strongly. Pastor Al was so much more than the title “pastor” could ever cover; he was a friend in every sense of the word. There aren’t many people we’ve met who can connect with every person in our family, in such a personal way that each one feels the person is their “own” personal friend the way Al did. Much the same as with Uncle Buddy & E-Pa, there are so many “Pastor Al stories” that keep us going. The memories & laughter are just so prevalent, sometimes even overwhelming when walking into church.
Despite the losses of 2008, God has blessed us so abundantly with each of those relationships that it is with great anticipation that we look forward to the fabulous reunion awaiting us at Heaven’s Gate. And still, God continues to bless us daily with relationships that have been nurtured throughout this year & new relationships being built through jobs & children’s activities as we get to know the other parents. He continues to sustain us & provide for us daily. We look at our children each night & just marvel at the wondrous love He had for us to send His son for the sole purpose of dying for us. We just can’t imagine such a sacrifice, and then to bless us so abundantly with the children we now raise and the one we are preparing to welcome to our family in 2009...look for a birth announcement in June!
So much of this year was not according to our plans, but in looking back we can see the Lord’s hand at work in all & we are humbled to be a part of His plan. We pray each of you can see God’s plan and have the courage to live it with us. He never said it would be easy, but spending eternity with Him will simply be out of this world!!
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