Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

If you've followed this blog from its inception, you know how our lives have been consumed by ripping out & starting over on an upstairs bathroom. How appropriate then, that the kids & I made Chris a toilet birthday cake!? He took one looked & did his best to suppress a smile while saying, "funny lady." Needless to say, he was a bit frazzled as he had spent the morning at Lowe's trying to get the door we had picked out only to find they no longer carry that door - or any door that size. Great fun!

The good news, though is that he got the next smaller size & he & dad were able to get it in. So we now have a bathroom with a door! The toilet & sink are both functional, as are lights near each. We're waiting on a new shower drain to arrive as the one that came with our shower was missing a piece (or something else was wrong - sorry, I'm not all that literate when it comes to bathroom construction). At any rate, after a few telephone conversations, Chris finally emailed a picture to the company & they said, you're right, something's wrong, we'll send another drain. So, once it arrives, he'll get that & the shower door installed. Then it will be just the finishing about a long time coming! He has done a wonderful job, though. Tom summed it up the other day when I heard him say, "Aaahhh, this is a small little room, but it sure is a nice one!" I couldn't agree more!

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