Monday, January 21, 2008

Two months already!

That's right - hard to believe our little guy is already two months old! I've been trying to take a picture every Friday & this is the most recent one. He's 9 weeks old! The kids & I worked quite a while off & on to get this shot...lots of funny faces & two dozen shots later, we finally got one of him smiling! Gotta love digital cameras!

Ben seems to be doing well & going strong. I took him in for his two month check-up last week & believe it or not, he's 10 lbs. 4 oz. and 23 3/4 inches. Doc was so pleased, he actually said we don't have to go back until it's time for his 4 month check...after having been every week since he was born, that's quite a stretch! Hopefully everyone will remain relatively healthy so we can actually make it! We love the good doctor, but enough is enough already!
Now, on to the bathroom...the walls are done, electrical run, shower base & back walls in, flooring about 3/4 done & toilet about 1/2 done. Progress is so good!

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