Friday, March 14, 2008

Haircut Time!

We had a "Head Shaving Party" down at church tonight....just our way of showing some love to Pastor Al. His hair has been going rather quickly with this round of chemo, so I coordinated a gathering at church tonight. Would you believe almost 2 dozen men & boys are sporting new do's tonight? All on about 6 hours notice....I was thrilled with the turnout & Pastor Al seemed to enjoy it, too & of course, appreciate it. I've never cut so much hair in one night & my calves are telling me about standing so long -- don't know how the professionals do it all day long!!

Chris is running sound for the musical at school this weekend, so he didn't make it down to church, but we'll get him clean-shaven in the morning. All our boys got clipped though - yes, even Ben & he looks sooooooooooooooooo much better! Al couldn't believe I was shaving him - he bellowed across the Fellowship Hall, "How can you do that to him? It's taken him his ENTIRE life to grow that!?!" True, but he really does look better. His long locks were falling out so fast...a lot like Al's.

Ben didn't seem to enjoy it much, but I think most of that was the fact he was so hot & there was a lot of noise at the time. Oh yea, he was hungry, too. Once we were done & home, he was set & happy as a lark!

Check out the before & after shots of each.... Rob definately wins the prize for longest hair cut: 5 inches - no kidding! Tom for sweetest smile & Ben for loudest scream - clearly no contest there!

Catching Up...

15 weeks
16 weeks
16 weeks with his favorite sister
17 weeks

Well, for whatever reason, our blog system has been on the fritz lately, so it's been a while since I've posted anything, hence the multiple posts tonight -- I'm trying to get caught up, just in case whatever happened last time happens again.

As you can imagine, Ben is growing so fast! He's 17 weeks already!! He'll be 4 months on Sunday...just really doesn't hardly seem possible. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

He's been kind of out of sorts the last week or so, battling congestion, cough, cold, runny nose & a fever, but seems to deal with it all fairly well -- sleeps & cuddles Mommy. Changes the routine, but I'll take those cuddles any time I can get them. Won't be long & he'll be as big as Rob....seems he was this small just yesteryear.

They're Really 6!

Jaclyn leads calendar time.

Hurry, Mom, the bus is coming!!

Flowers and Racing Flags on cupcakes leave no room for mistakes as to which ones are going where!
I know it's been six years & all, but I still marvel at the fact that there are two of them and how wonderful it truly is to be "doubley" blessed. I still remember the shock & surprise that came with learning of our pregnancy & then the udder amazement that came with learning there were twins on their way. They have brought laughter and joy to our lives every day since.
We celebrated with cupcakes for snack time at school & then one of their favorite dinners: SPAGHETTI!!! After opening presents, Daddy had to head back to school to help with play practice, so the kids & I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather & play outside for a while. Everyone slept so very good - mommy included!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jac & Tom's family party

Hard to believe they're almost 6 already, but they are. Family gathered Saturday, March 1 to celebrate & enjoy the day together. It was a fun day for all, especially since we weren't sure we'd get to have the party at all.

Thomas held true to his "sick for my birthday" routine & came down with the flu Thursday night. Not a big surprise since 4 of his classmates & 1 of Jaclyn's were sent home from school that day. He woke us Saturday morning saying, "Daddy, Daddy, I have wonderful news! I did not puke-ed at all!" Yes, that was WONDERFUL news!

We made it through the day without any sickies, but Jaclyn fell ill about 9 that night & Robert at about 11:30. I seriously don't know how the families with a dozen kids did it. Chris & I were struggling to keep up with two sick at once! Thankfully, both were better Sunday & knock on wood, Ben, Chris & I have managed to miss this round...having said that, we'll probably all get it tomorrow!